Nearly 2,400 Health Care Workers Vaccinated at Pinnacle Bank Arena
Lincoln, NE (January 22, 2021) Nearly 2,400 health care workers received the COVID-19 vaccine today at the first large-scale COVID-19 vaccine clinic at Pinnacle Bank Arena. The Lincoln-Lancaster Health Department (LLCHD) was assisted by community partners in vaccinating dental and home health care providers along with other health care personnel in Phase 1A. The vaccine is not yet available for the general public.
“We have been playing defense against the virus for nearly a year. Today, we demonstrated what it looks like to play offense,” said Mayor Leirion Gaylor Baird. “The health department, the medical community, arena staff, and other community partners worked as a team to protect people in our community. This is just the beginning of our game plan to get everyone in Lincoln and Lancaster County vaccinated and eventually win a victory over this virus.”
“Today’s experience tells us that we are ready to conduct these types of clinics as soon as we can get more vaccine,” said Health Director Pat Lopez. “The many hours of planning and preparation that went into this clinic helped us today and set the stage for the future. Thank you to all those who assisted us in providing a safe and effective vaccine to hundreds of health care providers. As more vaccine arrives, we are prepared to get it into people’s arms as soon as possible.”
Vaccinations continue for Phase 1A which includes health care personnel, emergency medical technicians and residents and staff of long-term care facilities. LLCHD will make an announcement when there is enough supply to start public clinics. Vaccinating Lancaster County residents will take time. LLCHD urges the public to be patient and continue to take precautions to protect themselves and others – wear a mask, watch your distance, wash your hands, and avoid crowded spaces, close contact, and confined spaces.