Due to severe overcrowding, LPS will require eighth graders who wish to attend Lincoln East High School and Lincoln High School for 2019-20, but who do not live in those attendance areas, to meet the Jan. 31, 2019 deadline for filing high school selection forms. Lincoln Public Schools eighth graders will continue to have their choice of attending any of the LPS high schools as they enter ninth grade.

In addition, East and Lincoln high schools will be unavailable for transfers at all grade levels – beyond that early January filing deadline – for students living outside the school attendance areas.

The Lincoln Board of Education previously approved a similar resolution for Lincoln North Star High School.  For 2019-2020, three of the six LPS high schools will not be open to transfer beyond the initial ninth grade transfer deadline.

Student populations in LPS high schools have been growing dramatically, and LPS has been closely monitoring enrollment trends in all schools, taking into consideration capacity, impact on educational programs with the schools,  prior enrollment levels and anticipated future growth.

In December, 2018, attendance numbers were:

  • 2,273 at Lincoln High

  • 2,201 at Lincoln East

LPS officials believe increasing enrollment trends at those high schools have been pushing the limits of school infrastructure as well as impacting the ability of those school facilities to serve students. Enrollment in the 2019-2020 school year is projected to exceed 2,400 at Lincoln High and exceed 2,300 at Lincoln East.

The Board of Education approved the proposal at the Jan. 8 meeting. These determinations will be reviewed annually.

High school choice forms, that must be filed by Jan. 31 with LPS District Office, are necessary if a student wants to attend a high school outside their attendance area.  They can be found at:


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