Lincoln Woman Loses Money In Computer Pop-Up Scam
LINCOLN–(KFOR Mar. 29)–Another old scam back again, this time it’s the pop-alert on the computer screen.
It victimized a 73-year-old Lincoln woman, who saw the pop-up and thought was legitimately from Geek Squad, which stated the computer wasn’t working properly. According to Lincoln Police Captain Todd Kocian, the woman called the phone number on Thursday from her home near 56th and Nebraska Parkway and granted access to her computer.
The scammer told the woman he accidentally gave her $25,000 to fix her computer and was told withdraw cash from her bank account and put it into a Bitcoin ATM. About $29,000 was withdrawn and put into the ATM.
The woman later called police. Captain Kocian on Friday said officers contacted Bitcoin customer service and was told once the transaction was completed it can’t be reversed.