January Traffic Deaths Higher Than Average–Six Blamed On Icy Roads

February 17, 2021 (Lincoln, Neb.)  During the month of January 2021, twenty-three people were killed in traffic crashes on Nebraska streets and roads, according to the Nebraska Department of Transportation.

¨             The 23 fatalities occurred in 16 fatal crashes.

¨             Six of the twenty-three vehicle occupants killed were not using seatbelts, five were using seatbelts, and twelve had seatbelt usage marked as “unknown”.

¨             Eighteen of the fatalities were in rural locations.

¨             There were five fatalities on the interstate, fourteen on other highways, and four on local roads.

¨             Icy roads were a contributing factor in four fatality crashes resulting in six fatalities.

¨             Two of the fatalities were age 15 & younger.

¨             Distraction: manually operating a mobile phone was a contributing factor in one of the fatality crashes.



                        COMPARISON WITH PREVIOUS YEARS



2021 23 16
2020 16 16 -30.0
2019 8 8 -65.0
2018 15 13 -35.0
2017 21 20 -9.0
2017-2020 Avg. 15 14 -35.0


  • There were 16 fatalities in January of 2020.
  • Only 5 of the 23 vehicle occupants killed during 2021 were using seatbelts.

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