LINCOLN–(KFOR Mar. 21)–Hastings State Senator Steve Halloran, who has faced a firestorm of criticism this week after he interjected a senator’s name while reading a passage from a book about a violent rape, is now facing a censure filed in a resolution late Wednesday in the Nebraska Legislature.

If that resolution was advanced, it would have to be by the entire Nebraska Legislature and involve a public hearing.

During floor debate on Monday night, Senator Halloran read the graphic account of a rape while interjecting the name “Senator Cavanaugh” several times during the reading. It came during debate of LB 441, which is centered on obscene material in schools. Two senators have called on Halloran to resign, but he said he wouldn’t.

An investigation is also underway to see if whether or not Senator Halloran violated the workplace harassment policy.  That was filed by Grand Island Senator Ray Aguilar on Tuesday.  Aguilar chairs the Legislature’s Executive Board.