Nebraska U.S. Senator Ben Sasse Comments On Supreme Court Election Decision

(Lincoln NE 12/12/2020) U.S. Senator Ben Sasse issued the following statement Friday after the United States Supreme Court rejected the Texas attorney general’s lawsuit to overturn the presidential election results in Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.

“Since Election Night, a lot of people have been confusing voters by spinning Kenyan Birther-type, ‘Chavez rigged the election from the grave’ conspiracy theories, but every American who cares about the rule of law should take comfort that the Supreme Court — including all three of President Trump’s picks — closed the book on the nonsense.”

The high court’s order was a stark repudiation of a legal claim that was widely regarded as dubious, yet embraced by the president, 19 Republican state attorneys general and 126 House Republicans. President Donald Trump had insisted the court would find the “wisdom” and “courage” to adopt his baseless position that the election was the product of widespread fraud and should be overturned. But the nation’s highest court emphatically disagreed.