Carter Promises More Engagement In N-U Diversity Efforts
Lincoln, NE (December 3, 2021) We’ve been in the news a little bit lately” said University of Nebraska President Ted Carter in his opening remarks at the N-U Board of Regents meeting Friday. “It’s really important that our faculty, our students and our staff hear directly from me where we’ve been and where we’re going.”
Carter said the one word he uses to describe the University is “Opportunity”. “The Morrill Act opened the doors to a whole new generation of Americans. There’s a whole new generation of young people who can be trained for their lives here at the University of Nebraska. We send thousands of graduates into the workforce each year.”
“I believe we can do some more, to make certain that the University of Nebraska is a place of choice for everyone” Carter said. “We’re not going to be able to do those challenges without growth.” Carter said the State needs to grow by retaining more graduates, retaining those who are born here, and attracting more young people from elsewhere. “The Commitment to Action that the University of Nebraska rolled out a few weeks ago is a proposal. There’s been a lot of work in the past few months.”
Carter went on to admit mistakes, and promise solutions. “There are a lot more voices that can be heard in this discussion. There has been a lack of engagement with this board during the development of this proposal. Chancellor Ronnie Green has spent time face to face with each member of this Board. We will work together in the future.” Carter said there are many people who care deeply about this state whose opinions also need to be included.
“We are working on a process that will insure that our input is as broad as possible. This conversation needs to address not just diversity and inclusiveness in all forms, but how we do this together.”
Carter also addressed when he called the main issue. “Yes, this process does include discussions about race. This process is difficult. To have this discussion, we need to get comfortable feeling uncomfortable.”
“Nebraska can be the standard for this robust civil dialogue where our difference will make us stronger. That is the kind of process that will attract people here to help us grow our state.”
“Our University is full of incredible people” Carter said “They are doing incredible things for this State.”
Nebraska Graduation Success Rate Hits All-Time High Of 95 Percent