LINCOLN–(KFOR May 14)–Polls are open until 8pm Tuesday for Nebraska’s Primary Election and one thing to keep in mind when you head to cast your ballot is to have a valid form of identification.

County election officials and poll workers have been trained on the new voter ID requirements and procedures. A voter who does not have a photo ID with them at the polling place can still cast a ballot, 
but for it to count, the voter must present their acceptable photo ID to their county election office by the end of the business day Tuesday, May 21. Visit for more information and resources.

Acceptable IDs include:

  • Nebraska driver’s license
  • Nebraska state ID
  • U.S. passport
  • Military ID
  • Tribal ID
  • Hospital, assisted-living facility or nursing home record
  • Nebraska political subdivision ID (state, county, city, school, etc.)
  • Nebraska college or university ID (public or private)

IDs can be expired. A voter’s ID must have their name and photo.

Campaign items such as buttons, stickers and T-shirts are not allowed to be worn in a polling place. It is illegal to campaign or electioneer within 200 feet of the entrance of a polling place. Campaign signs can be installed on private property within 200 feet of the entrance of a polling place, provided that the property does not include where the polling place is located.

If you happened to lose your early voting ballot, damaged it or haven’t received it by Election Day, you can still vote with a provisional ballot at your respective polling place. That ballot will be counted once it is confirmed that no other ballots have been cast for them.

Voters must vote at the location for their current address. Many polling locations have been changed. New polling place location cards were mailed to all effected voters prior to the primary election.  In Lincoln and Lancaster County, if you are unsure where to vote you may look up the polling location on the Nebraska Voter Check website at or call the election office at (402) 441-7311.