LINCOLN–(KFOR Apr. 12)–Lincoln Public Schools recently approved the use of classroom signs supporting LGBTQ students, which display a rainbow pride flag above the words “all means all” and next to a brief statement in support of LGBTQ students.

But several parents showed up to Tuesday night’s LPS Board meeting, opposing the signs, with some calling it a political statement.

Heidi Mason testified this is an issue that should be addressed at home by parents with their kids.

“LPS is an academic institution and you need to stick to the basics, not publicly support one belief system that infringes on other belief systems, ” Mason told the board.

Another opponent, Julie Sheldon, said that controversial topics and activism don’t belong in schools.

“Kids should be in school to learn and not to be indoctrinated with whatever political or activist topic is going around at the time,” Sheldon said.

Lincoln Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Paul Gausman said the signs are optional and it doesn’t favor one student group over the other. He added it’s not political.

“This is a human rights issue,” Gausman added.  “We are not asking our staff or our students to change their personal beliefs.”

The small, card-sized signs, which are essentially designed to be displayed in windows of classroom doors, are available at all school buildings by request.