No COVID Surge in Lincoln Public Schools
(KFOR NEWS September 15, 2021) Lincoln Public Schools Superintendent, Dr. Steve Joel, told the Board of Education Tuesday night LPS has not experienced any COVID surges. He added that parents, students and staff are doing an amazing job of reducing the risk of spread.
There are still a number of exclusions for students. LPS is in the process of securing 24 K-5 teacher volunteers who will be paid a stipend to produce recorded video lessons in math and reading that will assist students and parents when students have to learn at home for an extended time due to school exclusions. Joel thanked the Lincoln Education Association for their conversation on the project.
Board Leadership Committee Chair, Don Mayhew, updated the Board on staff answering Board member questions in regards to the 2021-22 LPS Safe Return to School Plan. The committee also previewed the latest federal mandates announced and asked staff to report back. The committee is also reviewing public comment policies and reviewing what other public entities in Lincoln and across Nebraska do.
READ MORE: Covid Cases Slowing, Leveling Off In Lancaster County