Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana Hosting Petition Signing Events Saturday in Over a Dozen Counties

(KFOR NEWS  October 29, 2021)  Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana has organized 34 grassroots signature drive events across the state Saturday, October 30th.  (Click here to see locations)

Nebraskans are encouraged to find a signing event in their area at Approximately 250,000 signatures need to be gathered before July 7, 2022 to certify the initiatives for the November 2022 ballot.

Dominic and Shelley Gillen, whose son Will has a severe form of epilepsy, are hosting a drive through signing at their home in Bellevue on Saturday. “Nebraskans all across our state are suffering from debilitating conditions that could be alleviated from the use of medical cannabis. We the people need to have our voices heard loud and clear. I can’t think of a better way to do that than going out and signing the petitions this weekend at an event near you,” said Shelley Gillen.

Statewide Campaign Coordinator Crista Eggers, who also has a son with epilepsy added:

“It is amazing to see the grassroots momentum for medical cannabis. It evokes both excitement and empathy among Nebraskans, regardless of a person’s political background or beliefs. The people of this state overwhelmingly support this issue, and we won’t give up until the suffering have the necessary access to medical cannabis.”

To find a signing event in your area visit, or find an event on Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana’s Facebook page.

NMM is a Nebraska ballot initiative committee working to qualify two medical cannabis measures for the ballot in 2022. Learn more at

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