Nebraska Senators Introduce Bill to Change Name of National Landmark
U.S. Senators Ben Sasse and Deb Fischer introduced legislation, Thursday, to rename Homestead National Monument as Homestead National Historical Park.
“Nebraska was born with grit and the humble hard work of our ancestors,” stated Sasse. “For decades, Homestead has played an important role in teaching our kids about what life was like for homesteaders on the prairie. The name ‘Homestead National Historical Park’ paints a fuller picture of Nebraska’s history and of the park itself.”
Senator Ficher stated that “the Homestead National Monument is rich in history and pays tribute to the Nebraska pioneers who journeyed west in search of new opportunities. Over the years, I’ve always enjoyed visiting this beloved landmark, which has become a prominent educational site in our state.”
Diane Vicars, President of Friends of Homestead National Monument said “the Friends of Homestead is excited that with the introduction of this legislation we are closer than we have ever been to a name change that better represents who we are. This will allow us to have more chances at telling our nation’s dynamic homesteading story to a wider audience.”
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