Nebraska Canvassing Board Certifies November Election Results
LINCOLN–(KFOR Dec. 3)–The Nebraska Board of Canvassers on Monday officially certified the results of the November general election, which includes approval of several ballot measures.
Among them is Initiative 437, which legalizes up to five ounces of medical cannabis, as long as someone has a written recommendation from their health care practitioner, and 438, which regulates medical cannabis. Also approved were Initiative 434, which is a state constitutional amendment to officially prohibit most abortions after the first trimester (about 12 weeks gestational age) with exceptions for medical emergency, sexual assault or incest. Initiative 435 would repeal LB 1402, a state law passed this spring to appropriate $10 million for “education scholarships” to private schools.
These and other initiatives approved by voters should get official proclamation from Governor Pillen very soon. The State Canvassing Board on Monday unanimously accepted the election results for all but one race in Dawson County, which will head to an automatic recount Wednesday morning.
The Board of Canvassers includes Governor Pillen, Nebraska Attorney General Mike Hilgers, Secretary of State Bob Evnen, State Auditor Mike Foley and State Treasurer Tom Briese.