More Than 2,400 Residents Vaccinated Thursday
(KFOR NEWS February 26, 2021) More than 2,400 Lancaster County residents 80 years old and up received second doses of COVID-19 vaccine at Thursday’s large-scale clinic at Pinnacle Bank Arena. There’s another second dose clinic Friday at the Arena for this same age group.
As of Thursday morning, more than 74,300 doses of vaccine have been administered by LLCHD, partners and long-term care facilities. Nearly 2,700 residents were vaccinated at Wednesday’s LLCHD clinic at the Arena for people age 71 and up.
The Health Department continues to vaccinate people in Phase 1B. As more vaccine is available, others in that phase will have the opportunity to get vaccinated. is a helpful resource for the latest vaccine information, including the lists of priority groups in each phase and the groups that are currently eligible to receive vaccine.
The first step to getting vaccinated is to register using the secure, online form at The form is available in English and Spanish. As doses become available, those who are registered will be contacted to schedule an appointment to get vaccinated. Registration is open to all Lancaster County residents.
Family members and caregivers are encouraged to assist those who need help to register. Those who do not have online access or who need assistance, may call the COVID-19 hotline at 402-441-8006 to register. LLCHD has interpreters available to assist callers who speak other languages.
The state also recently launched a registration site. Lancaster County residents only need to register once on either the LLCHD website or the state website. LLCHD and the state health department can securely share data as needed.
Vaccinating Lancaster County residents will take time. LLCHD urges the public to be patient and continue to take precautions to protect themselves and others – wear a mask, watch your distance, wash your hands, and avoid crowded spaces, close contact, and confined spaces.
For more information on COVID-19 vaccine, visit, call the Health Department hotline at 402-441-8006 or visit