LPS Spectator Changes For Spring Sports
Lincoln, NE (March 18, 2021) Lincoln Public Schools recently reviewed the spectator guidelines for spring sporting events with the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Department. Based on current community conditions, the following changes will be implemented effective immediately (3/18/21) in order to comply with current Directed Health Measures:
Beechner Athletic Complex
The number of spectators at track competitions held at Beechner will be limited to 75 percent spectator capacity. Once capacity is reached, no additional spectators will be allowed admission into the event.
Spectator allowances will no longer be limited to a specific number per athlete. Admission will now be open to anyone on a first come, first serve basis. This adjusted approach to spectator attendance – while meeting current DHMS – should accommodate most spectators based on historical attendance averages.
Track at school sites
Due to the small venue space and limited capacity available, we continue to limit the number of spectators to one per athlete. This ensures each athlete has one supporter that is able to attend.
Protocols that remain the same for track and other spring sports
All spectators must self-screen for COVID-19 symptoms prior to attending any event. If you answer yes to any of the screening questions, please stay home.
Spectators must wear multi-layered face coverings over the mouth and nose the entire time they are at the event.
Bleacher seating will be limited for some outdoor venues. Spectators are encouraged to bring their own chairs and should spread out at least 6 feet apart and must be at least 10 feet away from team benches and the playing field.
Based on the number of participants competing and the venue capacity based on keeping groups physically distanced, the following number of spectators will be allowed per participant:
Baseball – Den Hartog (4), Sherman Field (4), Densmore (4), School Sites (4)
Soccer – Seacrest (6), Beechner (6), Speedway (4), Den Hartog (4)
Tennis (4)
Golf (4)
Limited concessions may be sold. Individuals may lower their mask to take a bite or drink, but must promptly return the face covering over the mouth and nose in between bites and drinks. No outside food or drink by spectators will be allowed.