LPS Announces Updates To “Safe Return To School” Plan
KFOR NEWS December 22, 2021) Lincoln Public Schools announced the following updates to the 2021-22 LPS Safe Return to School Plan that will take effect on Friday, Dec. 24. The full pandemic plan can be found on the LPS website: lps.org/safereturn. Comments on the updates can be shared through the feedback form on the website.
Face Coverings
Lincoln Public Schools will adjust face covering protocols as necessary to address changing conditions.
Inside elementary school buildings (prekindergarten – 5th grade)
Face coverings will be REQUIRED for ALL students, staff, visitors, volunteers and families inside all elementary school buildings during the school day, and before and after school regardless of vaccination status.
Face coverings are REQUIRED at all times for students and staff on buses.
LPS will review community conditions and vaccination rates with the health department by Jan. 30 to determine if the elementary face covering protocols will continue. By then, anyone wishing to have their child fully vaccinated against COVID-19 will have an opportunity to do so.
Inside middle (6-8) and high (9-12) school buildings and all other LPS buildings
LPS STRONGLY RECOMMENDS face coverings for all individuals age 2 years and older, including students, teachers, staff, and visitors, regardless of vaccination status inside all middle and high schools, and all other LPS buildings.
All students, staff and visitors will be REQUIRED to wear a face covering for two weeks during school if a school building has 10% or more of its population absent due to illness. This requirement will be communicated to families through email, phone calls and the website.
LPS will continue to work with the LLCHD in the event the number of cases in a specific classroom, grade level or school results in a face covering requirement for a period of time set by the health department.
Face coverings are REQUIRED at all times for students and staff on buses to and from school.
Contact Tracing – Close Contact
LPS will notify families and staff through email if there is a positive COVID-19 case within their school building within 48 hours prior to onset of symptoms, or test date if the positive case is asymptomatic. LPS will no longer contact trace school day close contacts at the middle and high school levels. The best way to reduce the chance of being a high-risk close contact is to get the COVID-19 vaccine and to continue wearing a face covering inside all buildings. If a high-risk close contact is identified, families will receive a phone call with instructions from the health office.
A high-risk close contact is an unvaccinated individual who has been within 6 feet of the positive case for a cumulative 15 minutes or more and one or both persons were not wearing a face covering. A positive COVID-19 case begins 48 hours prior to onset of symptoms, or test date if the positive case is asymptomatic.
If the health department discovers there is an outbreak of COVID-19 in a classroom or grade level, the health department may require everyone in that classroom or grade level to quarantine. The school will communicate with families how students can continue their learning.
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