LPD Made 93 DUI/DWI Arrests During December’s Drunk Driving Crackdown
LINCOLN–(KFOR Jan. 5)–The annual “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign that ran through weekends and holidays in December 2021 in resulted in 93 DWI/DUI arrests, an increase of 66% from 2020, according to Lincoln Police on Wednesday.
Of the 93 DWI/DUI arrests, 21 were the result of a motor vehicle crash investigation, nine were minors, seven were arrested for their third offense DUI, nine for their second DUI offense and one for a 5th offense DUI. LPD says five of those violations were for felony DWI/DUI arrests and three were for drug impairment offenses. The highest blood alcohol content reading was .357, while 12 people refused tests and seven blood draws.
There were 56 DWI/DUI arrests during the same time period in 2019 and 2020, while there were 108 in 2018, 89 in 2017 and 102 in 2016.
Funding for the detail was provided by the Nebraska Department of Transportation Highway Safety Office.