The Lower Platte South Natural Resources District (LPSNRD) Board of Directors has approved a plan to remove debris from the Lied Platte River Bridge and repair any damage from severe flooding last March.

The bridge, which spans the Platte River near South Bend and connects LPSNRD and Papio-Missouri River NRD recreational trails, is owned by the two NRDs. The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission is contracted to operate and maintain the bridge.

The plan approved by the LPSNRD Board in its monthly meeting, Wednesday, calls for the removal of debris from the bridge by a contractor, utilizing federal funds that have already been approved. Game & Parks will be responsible for any debris removal costs not federally funded.

After contracting for debris removal, Papio will then contract with an engineering consultant to inspect and evaluate the bridge for any structural damage. The Lied Bridge has been closed to trail users since March and high flows in the Platte River during the summer prevented any inspections for damage, however, it is hoped the bridge can be fully inspected for damage this winter. The engineer’s evaluation will determine the need to design and make repairs.

The board also accepted a final report on the NRD’s 2019 audit. “The 2019 audit report is a positive and favorable evaluation of the NRD’s finances and procedures.  It reflects the importance placed on managing the district’s natural resources by the NRD Board and staff.”

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