Lincoln Veterans Make The Annual Veterans Day Walk To Antelope Park
LINCOLN–(KFOR Nov. 11)–Doesn’t matter what the weather is, a group of Lincoln veterans will always do the three-mile, one hour Veterans Walk of Recognition from Memorial Stadium to the Veterans Memorial Garden in Antelope Park.
This year, the 23rd annual walk had sunshine accompanied by a cool temperatures with a brisk north wind. Vietnam veteran Gaylen Young of Lincoln tells KFOR News Veterans Day is a day to remember veterans, not a day for leisure.
“We’re just trying to put the Veterans back in Veterans Day,” Young told KFOR News. “It’s not a convenience day that you can move around. It’s November the 11th.”
Young says the walk in the past 23 years has taken place in all kinds of weather, from sunny and nice to cold, windy and snowy conditions.
For this year’s walk, the group of veterans were joined by Nebraska Republican Senator Ben Sasse, who said this is a day “to thank them and honor them.” He added everyday is a day to thank them for what they’ve done for our country.