LINCOLN–(KFOR Aug. 27)–Of the more than $700-million overall, the tax-funded portion of the Lincoln City Budget would be $575-million.

Lincoln City Council members on Monday night approved of the budget plan for the next two years.  It will increase spending by $21-million in general fund money the first year and $11-million the second year.

It includes $8.7 million in salaries and benefits for city employees, including $3.5 million to fund a recently approved contract with firefighters that includes an 8% raise the first year and 6% the second. The contribution from the city into the police and fire pension fund is $2.6-million in the first year and just over $700,000 in the second year.

The first year of the biennial budget will be just over $282-million, while it will be approximately $293-million in year two.