LFR Will Have Extra Engine Crew On Standby To Help With Calls During Storm
December 15, 2021 1:09PM CST
LINCOLN–(KFOR Dec. 15)–An extra fire engine has been activated by Lincoln Fire and Rescue, in anticipation of strong gusty winds and the potential of severe weather Wednesday afternoon.
LFR Captain Nancy Crist says the extra engine will be used in helping with any possible power lines and tree limbs being knocked down by strong winds, while LES crews work to fix any outages. There’s also concern about the potential for wind-driven grass fires.
“If we do get a fire, when the winds are high like that, we worry about it being a wind-driven fire, which can create a fast-moving fire,” Crist told KFOR News.
The extra engine crew will be on standby at Station 1, which is located at 18th and “Q” Streets downtown.