Crime Stoppers Focuses on Two Burglaries in January and February
LINCOLN–(KFOR Mar. 13)–This week’s Crime Stoppers report from Lincoln Police takes us back to early on New Year’s Day, where a burglary happened at Randolph Jewelry and Loan off of 27th and Randolph, where a window was broken for the suspects to get inside the store.
One suspect went to the coin display and broke into it, taking a handful of coins worth just over $1,300. About $800 worth of damage was done.
Then on February 18, someone dressed up as the Winnie the Pooh character “Tigger”, threw a concrete rock through the window of the Generation V vape shop off of 48th and Old Cheney and jumped inside. About $500 worth of items were taken from the shelves.
If you have information on both of these cases, call Crime Stoppers at 402-475-3600 or visit