CHI Reports 92% Compliance With Hospital Vaccine Mandate So Far
Lincoln, NE (November 2, 2021) Nebraska’s Hospitals held lengthy discussions before setting a deadline for their employees. By this past Friday, October 29, all employees would have to either have the Covid-19 vaccination or have been granted a medical or religious exemption.
Monday, Bryan Health reported that 100% of its 5,600 employees had either the vaccination or an exemption. It added that five employees resigned rather than receive the vaccine, and five had been terminated.
Tuesday, CHI Health reported that 92% of its 12,000 employees are in compliance with the self-imposed mandate. A CHI Spokesperson issued the following statement:
“92% of CHI Health’s 12,000 employees are either fully vaccinated, partially vaccinated or have applied for and received a medical or religious exemption.
Each request for a medical or religious exemption was reviewed based on guidance from the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the CDC, and the FDA and by a group of religious and medical teams from across CHI Health.
Employees with approved exemptions must continue to wear a mask and will undergo regular testing for COVID-19.
Employees who are not vaccinated and do not have an approved exemption may be able to continue working while replacements are secured. They will be subject to additional masking and testing requirements.
We know vaccination is the best way to bring an end to the COVID-19 pandemic and are grateful to all of our employees who have chosen to get vaccinated. “
CHI did not release information on the number of resignations or terminations related to the mandate. They also did not set a firm deadline for the 900 plus employees who are not in compliance, saying only the above.
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