CHI Hospitals Tighten Visiting Rules

Lincoln, NE (November 3, 2020) The 14 hospitals of CHI Health will implement additional visitation restrictions starting Wednesday. The move comes in response to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in the state.  The new rules include St. Elizabeth and Nebraska Heart Hospital in Lincoln.

Beginning Nov. 4, patients hospitalized at CHI Health facilities are only allowed visits from one healthy adult support person per day. A support person is someone designated by the patient to be present to help with their care needs. Social visiting is not allowed.

Support persons are required to wear a mask fully covering their nose and mouth throughout their entire visit. This includes time spent in patient rooms. Other  protective equipment may also be required in some situations.

Additional restriction, going into effect Wednesday, include:

         Visiting hours for support persons will be limited to 7:30 am to 9 pm for all hospitalized patients except maternity, pediatrics, end-of-life and certain other special circumstances identified by the staff.

         Emergency Departments, surgery/procedure areas, outpatient diagnostics and clinic/ambulatory settings will continue to allow one health adult support person during regular business hours.

         If a surgery or other procedure is scheduled to begin before 7:30 am, one healthy adult support person will be allowed early entrance to accompany the patient.

Nebraska’s Hospitals are now caring for over 600 Covid 19 patients, the largest total since the beginning of the Pandemic in March of this year.

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