Amendments On Property Tax Bill To Be Debated
Another attempt is underway to pass a property tax relief bill in the rapidly ending legislative session. Senator Tom Briese of Albion Thursday, introduced amendments to another tax bill that would eliminate 28 sales exemptions, generating an estimated $100 Million for the state’s property tax credit relief fund.
“I think we need something that is more straightforward and easier to understand and something that can deliver property tax relief,” said Briese. Briese added tax reform is badly needed, but will have to be accomplished in small chunks and still favors LB 289 but believe the amendments will provide immediate tax relief.
“We’re not proposing to raise cigarette tax or sales tax rates, we are targeting exemptions,” says Briese. Briese says this would replace the more complex bill that has been presented.
READ MORE: Nebraska’s Tax Collections Beat Expectations In April