A-G: Court Action Coming Over Vaccine Mandate
Lincoln, NE (November 5, 2021) Employees of businesses with over 100 employees will need to be vaccinated against Covid-19 by the first of the year, or face regular testing. Those rules are contained in the new rule issued by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration at the behest of President Biden.
Earlier this week, and several weeks ago, Governor Pete Ricketts declared that he considered any vaccination mandate to be an unconstitutional Federal overreach. Yesterday, Attorney General Doug Peterson called the planned mandate “Draconian” and promised court action, if necessary, to stop it.
Today, after the OSHA rule was issued, Peterson issued a Response to the Federal OSHA Vaccine Mandate:
“The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly declared that regulation of healthcare matters, including compulsory vaccinations, falls uniquely within the authority of the state, not the federal government,” said Attorney General Peterson. “For the first year and a half of the COVID-19 pandemic, both the Trump and Biden Administrations recognized this. Yet now the Biden Administration is attempting to override state authority by using an executive order to mandate COVID-19 vaccines. By announcing an OSHA rule that is 490 pages long in its preprint form, it is clear that the Biden Administration is trying to create new law through executive order. This Administration has left us no choice but to go to court to protect constitutional boundaries of power and the 44% of Nebraska workers that fall under this unconstitutional mandate.”
Peterson did not disclose what type of court action would be taken, or when it would be filed.
COVID-19 Vaccine Available In Lincoln For Children Ages 5 To 11